Recommendations For The Manufacture of Acrylic Floor Covering
Infrastructure: After the area where the fields will be built is properly leveled, it is surrounded by a 60cm x 20cm border. When the concrete of the curb is poured, the maps of the pipes to be used for wire netting are placed in the mold every three meters. the area inside this border, 20 cm of which will remain in the soil, is first filled with large stones 15 cm high and compressed. On this compacted floor, an average of 15 cm is made mechanically stabilized (mickling) mixed with 50% stone powder. During this process, the field is given a transverse and one-sided inclination of 6-8 per thousand meters. This slope is made to make it easier for rainwater to slide comfortably over the field and therefore dry out. Plastic drainage pipes are used to prevent water that may come from the bottom during spraying and to protect the upper coating, and discharge holes are left on the curb opposite the mouths of these. During the above operations, the field is watered frequently to ensure that the ground fits well and is made ready for paving.
The recipes of acrylic-based materials that we use on tennis courts and multi-purpose courts (such as basketball, volleyball, mini football) are as follows:
Asphalt surfaces: Make sure that the asphalt surface is plugged in at least 14 days in advance. All oil, dirt, loose and blistered layers on the surface are cleaned.
Concrete surfaces: If asphalt supply is difficult or impossible in your region, concrete should be used instead of asphalt this time Jul. However, the concrete must be manufactured in such a way that it does not crack. The upper part should be polished very properly with a system called the helicopter method. Joints should not be left strictly, joints that will be left during manufacturing should be corrected, because the playing and cracks in the concrete will be transferred exactly to the top, which can crack the acrylic coating. The necessary inclination should be given to the field during the floor production.
Coating Application
The recipe of our ingredients is as follows
Court Patch Binder: Repair material. It is used by mixing cement and quartz with sand. It is a strong and attractive material used for asphalt repair works and fillings.
Acrylic Resurfacer: It is an acrylic-based bituminous material, quartz is mixed with sand and applied as the first layer on the asphalt floor. It serves to close the pores of asphalt and ensure that other materials to be placed on it adhere better to the floor.
Base Coat: It is a thick “cushion” – suspension material. Thanks to the millions of rubber particles contained in it, it provides thickness and suspension to the floor.
Cushion: It is a relatively thinner “cushion” – suspension material. It Decouples Jul-ture materials and provides additional suspension as well as filling in between thick materials.
Color: It is an acrylic-based color material that is immune to external factors. The first two layers are used together with the primer above, and the last layer is applied as a polishing material. Thanks to its very powerful formula, it is not affected by weather conditions and retains its color quality for many years.
White Line Paint: It is a line paint based on white acrylic, resistant to external factors.
All the above-mentioned materials are acrylic-based and are used for many years without being affected by weather conditions, as they become completely impermeable after drying. This kind of well-made floor provides service for at least 5-6 years without any deterioration, but it is necessary to use a suitable amount of materials for each floor according to the factory specification. In short, it is necessary to specify the amount of materials to be used for these floors instead of recipes such as 3 layers and 5 layers as in the market and to apply all of them to the floor. If a research and comparison is to be made, it is necessary to compare the quantities used for each layer of the material to be used. This material is the thickest and highest quality of such materials available on the market. Thanks to the suspension they provide, these materials can also be used successfully in basketball, volleyball and multi-purpose fields.Jul.